Concrete ASAP is a Concrete Precast Porducts ?????
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All products manufactured and distributed by Concrete ASAP comply with the technical standards required by the control bodies and especially the technical specifications established by the ASTM. The characteristics of the raw materials are verified through quality certificates and the final products are evaluated periodically in the laboratory to guarantee compliance with the required standards.


In case you require certified tests on the products that we elaborate, please ask our commercial area for copies of the laboratory tests carried out.


If you are not comfortable with any of the products purchased, you can make a return with a cost of 15% restocking If the product had performance problems, this fact should be documented and the company will change it for a product that meets their needs free of charge


We consider a reasonable time to submit a claim a maximum of 10 working days from the date of supply of the material (date established in the invoice, the purchase order and the packing list.


If for any reason you consider that our guarantee policy does not meet any need established by you, we strongly request that you let us know through the website, the telephones or at our headquarters. In advance, we greatly appreciate your collaboration on this point.